The RUMO Project is a mitigation measure required under the Federal Environmental Licence issued by Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama) for oil production in the Baúna Field, located in the Santos Basin and managed by Karoon Energy.

Operating Company - Karoon Energy

Mariana Gama

Mariana is a biologist with a Master’s degree in Urban and Environmental Engineering. She has 14 years of experience in the oil and gas sector, working in environmental licensing and in the implementation and management of licence-conditioned projects and programmes. She is responsible for managing the RUMO Project at Karoon Energy.

Implementing organisation - EnvironPact

Vinicius Alves

Vinicius is a biologist with more than 18 years of experience in environmental consulting, with expertise in impact assessment, biotic environment diagnosis and socio-economic issues related to fishing activities. He has worked on various environmental studies, implementation of licence condition programmes and has experience in the coordination of public hearings. He is responsible for the financial and administrative management of the RUMO Project.

Julia Carvalho

Julia is a geographer, a geography teacher, has a master’s degree in Social Sciences and a PhD in Geography. She has extensive experience in territorial planning and development projects involving different target groups, with a focus on traditional populations (fishers and indigenous groups). She coordinates education and environmental licensing projects. She is responsible for coordinating the planning and implementation of actions and product development in the RUMO Project, ensuring excellence in project development.

Fabiana Gern

Fabiana is an oceanographer with a PhD in Health and Environment. She has 14 years of experience in coastal ecosystem management, both in research and project implementation. She is responsible for coordinating the RUMO Project team’s field activities in the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth region.

Fernanda Vieira de Maria

Fernanda is a journalist with experience in socio-environmental journalism, educational communication, environmental and scientific communication. She has experience in the implementation of federal environmental licensing projects, environmental education, community relations and territorial reporting. She is responsible for the production of content for social networks and the implementation of the RUMO Project’s other communication activities.

Alice Mendes

Alice is a journalist, press officer and broadcaster. She has over six years of experience in various communication fields, working in radio and TV, covering sports events and managing social media. An active figure in the Foz do Rio Itajaí-Açu region, she participates in organizing events and environmental education initiatives through the surf association. She is responsible for the production of content for social networks and the implementation of the RUMO Project’s other communication activities.

Juliana Clementi

Juliana is a public relations specialist and holds a PhD in Knowledge Engineering and Management. Her research focuses on gamification and scientific communication. She has taught in the areas of project management, audiovisual storytelling, photography and marketing. Juliana has experience in integrated and participatory natural resource management projects. In the RUMO Project, she is responsible for organizing content for the development of educational materials and an interactive map.

Vanessa Pedro

Vanessa is a journalist and doctor of Literature with experience in audiovisual production and strategic communication. In Phase 1 of the RUMO Project, she was responsible for writing, producing and directing the audiovisual series “RUMO: An Audiovisual Diagnosis of the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth”. In Phase 2, Vanessa works as a communications consultant for the Instituto Território.

Rodrigo de Freitas

Rodrigo Rodrigues de Freitas is a biologist with a PhD in Environment and Society. He works as a researcher and professor at the University of Southern Santa Catarina in the Postgraduate Programme in Education and the Postgraduate Programme in Environmental Sciences, where he coordinates the Research Centre for Education and Biodiversity Conservation. In Phase 1 of the RUMO Project, he supervised the Regional Conflict Diagnosis. In Phase 2, he works as a consultant for the Instituto Território on the topics of joint management and environmental education.

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