The RUMO Project is a mitigation measure required under the Federal Environmental Licence issued by Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama) for oil production in the Baúna Field, located in the Santos Basin and managed by Karoon Energy.

Resilience and Union for Marine Organization

Find out how the RUMO Project is transforming the joint management of the Itajaí-Açu river Mouth.
Click on the video below to learn more about this incredible project!

RUMO – Resilience and Union for Marine Organization is an Environmental Education Project that aims to contribute to the enhancement of the public debate on the joint management of the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth. The project aims to broaden knowledge about the territory, its stakeholders and activities by understanding the intersectoral dynamics, disseminating information and promoting education through technology and multimedia formats (educommunication).

The project is centred on the municipalities of Itajaí, Navegantes, Penha and Balneário Camboriú, located on the coast of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil.

RUMO’s presence in the territory between November 2020 and March 2023 marked Phase 1 of the project. During this period, three lines of research were carried out: Regional Conflict Diagnosis, Audiovisual Diagnosis, and a Vessel Traffic Survey at the Mouth of the Itajaí-Açu River.

Click here to see the results of the Phase 1 research!

Phase 2 began in March 2023 and continues until May 2025 with new activities focused on the principal objective: to stimulate and strengthen the debate on joint management. This phase is methodologically based on the concepts of critical environmental education and educommunication.

Communication with stakeholders, active participation in the intersectoral dynamics of the area, promotion of social participation, joint management and governance are the means to realise RUMO’s objectives.

The resources produced in previous years provide a theoretical and practical basis for the development of the current phase. The Audiovisual Diagnosis, carried out in Phase 1, resulted in a seven-part Audiovisual Series on the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth, which is still being used in Phase 2 in various activities. You can see the results below.


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Phase 2 of the RUMO Project

Phase 2 of the RUMO Project began in June 2023 and its objective is “to contribute to the enhancement of public debate on the joint management of the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth, through the dissemination of the RUMO Project audiovisual series and educommunication actions aimed at the different users of this territory”.

The main focus of the project’s actions in Phase 2 is to expand the dialogue, around a land use planning process, with the various sectors and institutions that occupy the four municipalities covered by the project.

One of the tools produced to contribute to the enhancement of this debate is the audiovisual series, which, although it was developed in Phase 1, has been widely publicised in Phase 2 through activities such as “cine-debates”, events in the region, audiovisual seminars and publication on social networks.

You can see the activities developed in Phase 2 of RUMO below.

Phase 2 activities

Group 50

Creating content on social networks

One of the aims of the RUMO Project is to stimulate public debate and generate discussions on joint management. A fundamental step in achieving this is to share these actions, along with related content, through the project’s social networks on YouTube and Instagram.

These spaces make it possible to disseminate this content to the greatest number of people, stimulating engagement and sharing what the project is trying to achieve.

Asset 4


One of the aims of Phase 2 of the RUMO Project is to participate in and stimulate debate, in partnership with institutions, mainly research and educational, in the municipalities that are part of the project area.

The aim of these meetings is to use audiovisual material to promote debate amongst a diverse audience about the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth, in order to facilitate a process of reflection on the joint management of this area.

The format of the meetings, the audiovisual content and the pedagogical tools used are defined according to the needs of the audience and the partner institution.

Asset 5

Audiovisual seminars

The aim of the audiovisual seminars is to stimulate positive dialogue between representatives of the different sectors engaged in the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth and to contribute to enhancing the debate on joint management.

These meetings are organised and facilitated by the RUMO Project. 

Asset 2

Production of educational material

In Phase 2 of RUMO, educational material will be produced in text format to support educators interested in using the audiovisual series produced in Phase 1.

The material will present the concepts and results of the Regional Conflict Diagnosis in a simplified way, adapting the language to make it easier to understand for the greatest number of users in the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth region. The content also aims to contextualise the current scenario in the region and raise questions to stimulate debate on the issues raised.

If you or your institution are interested in receiving the digital material, please contact us and we will send it to you as soon as it is produced.

Asset 7

Videos on the governance of the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth

This phase will also include the production of short videos on the governance system related to the joint management of the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth.

The content will cover the conflicts identified in the regional conflict diagnosis, as well as the concepts of governance and its various specificities.

The production aims to stimulate participation through a teaching-learning process with the project’s audience, clarifying institutional responsibilities and the fragility of the legal and institutional framework for dealing with joint management and governance between the sectors operating in the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth.

Asset 6

Interactive map

This action involves the production of an interactive map that brings together all the geo-referenced material produced in Phases 1 and 2. This tool, which will be available here on the RUMO Project website, will allow users to identify the territory, its sectors, conflicts, and interactions between activities and occupation in the Itajaí-Açu River Mouth.

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